How does the solar wireless alarm system work

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How does the solar wireless alarm system work

Unread post by vedard »

Solar wireless alarm system has break-in sensor part and alarm sounder part. The solar beam sensor is installed on the fence, gate of the entrance. When car or person passes through, the beam sensor will trigger the alarm and send wireless signal to alarm receiver, then the alarm receiver makes sound and light notification.

Question 1: Hello, I bought the solar wireless driveway alarm system-1/2 mile long transmission range-300. How can I connect to my home alarm?
Answer: The receiver has 4 zones and 4 relay outputs. We have added the solar sensor to Zone 4 befor shipped. So please kindly connect the 4th relay output to your alarm system.

Question 2: How sensitive is the beam? If a limb, leaf, heavy dust blown, etc pass through the beam, will this trigger an alarm?
The sensor has 3 infrared beams, and the sensor only can be triggered if some objects completely blocked all the 3 infrared beams. So the limb,leaf,heavy dust blown will not trigger the sensor.

Question 3: Is a solar charging panel on the transmitter or is a separate solar panel required to operate the system?
Answer: It is on both the transmitter and the receiver.

Question 4: What other alarm systems is this compatible with?
Answer: It is compatible with same brand app monitor control panel HB-5050G/R, Alarm bell HB-805A, solar siren strobe same brand HB.

Question 5: Can I connect a relay output of the receiver with wire to my alarm system?
Answer: Yes you can.

Question 6: Can Solar battery be charged under shed? I shall install it under tree and there're no obstacle between transmitter and ricever.. or can I use normal bat.
Answer: There needs to be a certain amount of direct light to charge it properly. The ambient light under the tree will be too diffused so you will need a power source and adapter. These do have a DC input.

Question 7: How loud is the alarm and can it be sent to a cell phone?
Answer: The Solar Wireless alarm with 1/2 mile transmission is as loud as my cell phone ring on maximum volume. I have the alarm connected to my cell phone using SmartThings. SmartThings sends me a text message with each alarm.

Question 8: Does this product with auto dial or only sound?
Answer: Someone who can't see people coming through entrances. This will alert them.

Question 9: Our driveway is a winding 3700 feet. Guessing about 1/3 mile as the crow flies. Will this transmit through trees?
Answer: No, you need to have a straight and direct, uninterrupted line-of-sight between the sensors.

Question 10: Can both units be hardwired for power? i already know they will not work with solar panels. if so what voltage? 5vdc?
Answer: Yes. To charge (or run) the sensors you need the cord from the receiver. So you would need to separately purchase 2 more cords like the receiver.

Question 11: Are the relay outputs "dry" i.e. either open or closed?
Answer: Yes, the receiver has 4 relay outputs, and NO/NC optional.

Question 12: How many receiver's can be used on each pair or set of sensors?
Answer: 1 set of sensors can be added to unlimited receivers. And all the HB sensors can work with all the HB receivers.

Question 13: Can i install an outdoor siren?
Answer: 4 NO/NC relay outputs(responding the 4 wireless zones),compatible to other alarm system;Relay output duration can be programmed(1 second,10 seconds,60 seconds and 5 minutes)
One group DC14V output(connect the wired siren or other devices)

Question 14: How to shut off the beeper on the transmitter and receiver?
Answer: Solar beams sensor beeper can be turn on/off via below steps: please turn off the sensor by pressing the ON/OFF button 3 times, and then turn on the sensor again by pressing the ON/OFF button 7 times.

Question 15: Alarm goes off one time and stops working
Answer: please adjust the system as below and try again:
1. turn off the sensors first by pressing the ON/OFF button 3 times( the sensors have a long beep); and then turn on the sensors again by pressing the ON/OFF button 3 times ( the sensors have several short beeps)
2. align the sensors with each other again.

Question 16: Trying to get it set up. Does it really need to be level? I have a grade on my property and being level is not an option.
Answer: The sensors can have some angles..but please align the senosrs with each other as possible as you can..(use the calibration hole to align the sensor with each other, and make sure the number of the LCD display more than 100).

Question 17: Can I somehow use this to automatically turn on lights in my home? If so, how?
Answer: There is another type of solar powered motion sensor with lighting with the function. If you want to use this model, you need to connect it to the smarthing and enable to turn on the lighting.

Question 18: How do you change alarm?
Answer: The receiver has 4 zones and each zone has its own if you want to change the chime, please change the zone of the sensor.

Question 19: Is there a way to turn the beeper off on the ir transmitter? It beeps for about 5 seconds every time it is triggered in the driveway.
Answer: Yes. Turn it off by pressing the button on the transmitter 3 times. Then turn it back on by pressing the button 7 times.

Question 20: How many sensors are needed to cover all 4 corners of premises ?
Answer: If it is square,I think 4 sensors is OK.

Question 21: Would these work with mirrors? i.e. to form a polygon fence: beam transmitter → 90º mirror → 90º mirror → beam sensor
Answer: It’s hard enough aligning these things at long distance let alone throwing mirrors into the mix.

Question 22: Is this a complete unit, set up and go? Can more sensors be added?
Answer: Yes, it is a complete unit(includes 1 pcs receiver +1 prs solar beams). Up to 32 sensors can be added to 1receiver.

Question 23: Does this have an audible alarm that activates to scare off trespassers who have violated the perimeter?
Answer: Yes,the beam sensor can protect the perimeter.And the indoor receiver will alarm sound.

Question 24: There are a few reports of short battery life. what is the battery life of the sensors with zero sun? how many have battery life issues?
Answer: If not sun or no lights, the battery can make the sensors work for 7 days. And the lifespan of battery is more than 8 yeras if work properly.

Question 25: The receiver has 4 outputs. Can one of those outputs be connected to a siren?
Answer: Yes. Be aware however that the outputs are dry contacts that are closed on the triggering of an alarm. The device that you are trying to activate (your siren) must have its own power supply since the monitor acts as a switch and the contacts have no power associated with them. (Dry contacts.)

Question 26: Do the laser beams need to be installed level to the ground? My lot is sloped about 20 degrees.
Answer: The beams can be installed in angle, but please note, the beams work in pair, so the beams should be aligned with each other well. ( it has the calibration hole and LCD display which used to align the beams with each other easily)

Question 27: Can your add-on HB solar panel work with these?
Answer: Yes..please just connect the extra HB solar panel to the charge port of the sensors.

Question 28: When programming the sensitivity of the beams, which is more sensitive... 200ms or 100ms?
Answer: 100ms is more sensitive.And 200ms is factory default. You can find how to adjust the sensitivity of the solar beam in the user manual.

Question 29: Will this system work if there are trees and shed between the transmitter and the receiver?
Answer: The wireless range from the outdoor transmitter to the indoor receiver is 1/2 mile(actual range will vary depending on the local terrain); and system can work even there are trees and shed between them.

Question 30: Se le puede conectar una sirena exterior?
Answer: Si se puede .
Yo he conectado una sirena de alarma y también con luces .
Hasta ahora esta muy bien .
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What is beam system and how does it work

Unread post by vedard »

Beam system is active infrared detector. It is consist of transmitter terminal, receive terminal, Optical lens, LED indicator for light intensity etc. The system works as invisible light wall. When someone is entering into the light wall, it blocked the beams. Then the detector triggers alarm for warning and notice. The beam system keeps working 24 hours.
To avoid false alarm of blocking by falling leaves, flying bird or small animals, the blocking time should be set not too short. But to ensure no missing alarm of quick passing theft, the blocking time should be set not too long. So, the blocking time or named sensitivity should be set accurately according to the environment. Factories may make the sensitivity adjustable at set value.

There are three types beams system. They areinfrared beams, infrared grating, and infrared light wall.
They are applied at different situation.
Infrared beam is installed on wall or fence. It has 3 Infrared light wall beams or 4 beam, 6 beams and length is short compared with other two types. So, it should be installed over the wall or fence or with bracket and pole to get enough protection height. But it has maximum 100 meters detection length.
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Can animal trigger false alarm

Unread post by Jim »

To avoid false alarm triggered by animals such as dog, cat, the intrusion detectors are always designed with pet immunity. New technology such as AI analysis is adopted for pet immunity.
Correct installation is important to avoid false alarm triggered by animals. For example, there are some principles to install the infrared beam.

Detectors installed on passageway: It is used to stop illegal passing and avoid false alarm caused by pet or small animals. So, the beams should be installed more than 50cm(from the infrared beams hole) over the ground. The beams blocking response speed should be set at fast rate.
Detectors installed on parapet wall: It is used to stop illegal climbing over the parapet wall. The beam can be installed over the top of the parapet wall or over the side of the parapet wall. It should be installed more than 25cm(from the infrared beams hole) over the top of the parapet wall to avoid false alarm caused by bird or cat etc. animals. And the distance should be less than 30cm between the beams hole and the wall inside part. When it is installed at side part of the parapet wall, it should be installed at outside part of the wall and near the top part.
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Re: How does the solar wireless alarm system work

Unread post by caezar »

Are these solar alarms compatible with ademco alarm systems?
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Re: How does the solar wireless alarm system work

Unread post by vedard »

caezar wrote: Wed Mar 30, 2022 12:16 pm Are these solar alarms compatible with ademco alarm systems?
Hello caezar,
Yes. The solar alarms are compatible with ademco alarm system.
There are two ways you can do.
1. Choose the ademco alarm receiver. HB-BJQ-560B is GSM/PSTN alarm panel with ademco protocol. Another wireless receiver is HB-G100 PSTN alarm panel.
2. Use wireless to wired transceiver alarm and connect solar beam, grating and detectors to your exist wired input ademco alarm panel.
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Re: How does the solar wireless alarm system work

Unread post by vedard »

How to keep the Lithium-Ion Battery long working life?
Lithium-Ion Battery can work at low temperature environment. It is used as rechargeable battery of the solar wireless alarm system. It is safe for transportation and storage. But to keep the long battery working life, it is better to keep 50% power when it is stored without working.
How to test the solar break beam power level? Turn on the solar power beam sensor with 3 times click of the power button, if you can hear more than 3 times of beep sounds, that means it still have power stored. If not, please put it under sunshine or recharge it with DC power.
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