Which is most important things to include in perimeter security?

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Which is most important things to include in perimeter security?

Unread post by perimeterlighting »

Hi everyone, as We know here is a lot of audience of intruders detection alarm system integrated by vedard. But what if we have long perimeter and we want our property secure from intruders is there any solution by vedard.

I were reading about feature which is "flash glare" according to them. It works when intrusion detected inside the fence flash glare will activated and release a flash glare to blind intruder. I feel it is an extra layer in perimeter security.

What you guys say about this?

Source link : https://cast-lighting.com/blog/post/how ... ers-vision
Nikolson Kristofer
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Re: Which is most important things to include in perimeter security?

Unread post by Nikolson Kristofer »

The one you mentioned is really great. I would include to the important devices list: a siren, motion detection (better with a camera of course), and motion-curtain detector, they tend to be really accurate.
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How to enroll MD-214R

Unread post by vedard »

Shop Focus brand wireless alarm, HB solar power alarm, HST fire alarm at https://www.vedardalarm.com
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