Security Camera - IP Camera for video surveillance

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Joined: Fri Jun 28, 2019 2:28 am

Security Camera IP Camera for video surveillance

Unread post by BarryCat »

I am looking for a camera that will run off any type of battery and will record video in the early morning hours before my security guards show up. I need continuous video that I can check once a week. I do not need motion activation. Does anyone make anything like this? I could set the time and it automatically videos and shuts off?
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Joined: Thu Oct 15, 2020 8:03 am

Re: Security Camera - IP Camera for video surveillance

Unread post by Silvia »

There are lots of options available for security cameras on the online portal. Most security camera systems have the option of recording non-stop, on a schedule, or on motion. The best is usually to record on motion. You don't need a separate motion detector for this because the camera or the DVR can tell when there's motion.
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