Features of intelligent fire alarm system

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Features of intelligent fire alarm system

Unread post by Jim »

4 Features of intelligent fire alarm system:
1. ring wiring
The advantage of ring wiring is that the entire loop will not stop because of a fault in the part of the circuit (the host can identify the specific location of the circuit for maintenance).
2. Broadcast communication
The advantage of broadcast communication is that there is no alarm delay time (compared with polling communication), and the safety of life and property is guaranteed.
3. Automatic programming
Automatic programming reduces a lot of work for construction and after-sales maintenance, especially for party A who does not know the product, replacing the field equipment will be very simple and easy to operate, so as to ensure the long-term trouble-free operation of the system.
4. The system capacity of a single host should not exceed 4000 points.
Excessive data processing will reduce the efficiency and accuracy of the alarm host.System capacity limits effectively prevent unnecessary troubles such as faults.
Guide and supplier for fire alarm systems.
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